Saturday, May 28, 2011


We always think "all the time in the world"
"Yeah that's right I got all the time in the world"
But what do we have?
When everyone is claiming all of worlds time?
Thinking, it'll get better let it play out
Sitting back passively never taking a hold
Never just letting go and doing what we want
Never speaking how we feel
Thinking, okay now I'm gonna run out of this room across the world
But instead sitting there thinking some other time
I got all the time in the world
Yet people walk by taking that time from you, leaving you with nothing but seconds
and some people steal the time from themselves
When all the time in the world just runs around
wasting not one single glance at who needs it most
Time is stolen, never given
Time is taken, never shared
Time is never there, when one needs it most
Time isn't there for those who need something to hold on to
time is there for the people who throw it around
Like nothing at all
Time has no heart or soul
It believes not in anything but freedom
Never contained
The world has tried
People have held on and done maniacal things
Just to keep time in a glass, near the heart
Willing for love and their name to live on
But time is like white out on a page
Erasing everything that has ever existed, from this world
Into another world where nothing has control
A world that does not believe in hours and seconds
But this world relies on nothing, but the control that time has
This world, is all about, having all the time
When truly we have nothing but the sand blowing out of our hands

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