Tell me why we live like this
Clinging on to that one last breath, hoping it can save us
Grabbing at the thin thread that keeps us hanging on
Never willing to let go, and just let it all happen
We live each day in constant fear, that someones going to take us down
That disappointment is waiting, crouching, ready to pounce just around around the corner
Why do we live like this?
We're afraid to speak out what we truly feel
And when we're upset, and broken, we just scream
Truth be told, letting the voice go feels amazing
But who's going to listen?
Everyone is searching for control.
Power, never letting anyone dominate their own lives
We want to own
If we can't run ourselves, why not run everyone else
We're all wearing a mask
whether it has your heart painted on it or not
whether it's etched in blood or tears
We switch them daily, pretending and playing
We're all preparing to end
balancing the masks and taking risks, so we regret nothing
Looking for someone to protect us
A face to represent us
someone to lust for us and watch our every move
We need
Everyone needs
All we care about is what we need
What we want
What we long for
What causes a pounding in our ears
and a pain in our chest
What will make our minds go numb and forget the pain, even for those few seconds
We all have pain don't we?
But, what do I know
I'm just a girl
naive, and lost in a sea of wonder
That pushes on no matter what
The current is impossible to stop, to redirect
it pushes and pushes on while people standing on the bank throw stones and laugh
Faces all covered jeering, snickering, cackling
We're all young on the inside
Growing, slowly, ignorant, believing we're open-minded and everyone else is arrogant
Unwilling to listen
Stretching our freedoms way beyond limit
Waiting until they snap like rubber bands and come back to bruise the skin
We're all excersising power
over insignificant things
We all refuse to let go
But what do I know
I'm simply a person
Wishing for control
I want power, to feed off of it
Drink it every morning like a cup of tea
I want to steer someones life
Even my own
I want to stretch my limits
and wait for the day they snap back and make me bleed
I want to own every mask in the world
And turn it into a circus act
“The Amazing Girl Who Disappears”
I'll play hide and seek with the world to prove they need me
I'll live for the future, with no regrets,
but that's right, I'm just an average person
Truly nothing special
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